The bus drive to the Thai boarder from Cambodia was lovely. After hearing so many horrific stories about peoples
lifes been taken out of their hands whilst doing this journey we were a little
worry of what was
instore for us. it was a tough
decision for us to decide weather to
drive or fly. Being brave me and Laura decide to risk our
lifes and get the bus ha ha! The road was bumpy but by bumpy i mean like driving on gravel. i
don't know where all these rumours came from. If you've been on the buses in
Loas this will be no problem! The drive was really
interesting we drove through local villages and markets, i really enjoyed it.

Ko Chang is lovely. We're staying right on the beach in little bungalows. We spent most our time here topping up our tans and the nights making the most of the mega long happy hours. Buckets are the way forward! Laura has been feeling the effect of them today though ha ha! We going to watch the Thai boxing tonight and tomorrow we're going snorkeling before heading back to Bangkok to meet Jimmy Jimmy!